Friday, June 02, 2006

Plenary Dialogue/Discussion

Words: Creating Compassion, Making Connections presented by bell hooks, Berea College and Marilyn Kallet, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personal Ad by Brandy Foster

Free to Good Home: My heart. Fair condition; a little repair will make it like new. Amazing replicating ability; available to anyone who honestly seeks it. Prefers seniors, students, children, and mothers. No calls after 9:00.

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a Social Juctice Educator devoted to ending the suffering of others.
I am a Teacher.
I am a Mother.
I am a Lover.

I am a Humanist, a Feminist,
A Good Ol' Fashion Liberal.
I believe in Hope.
I thrive on Change.
I want to Change the World.

I cry at other's Pain.
I celebrate other's Happiness.
I Give... Give... Give...
Almost to a Fault.
Sometimes there isn't much left for Molly.

But I reach for the Stars,
And manage to get my hands on a few on Them.

Molly Swick

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanted, by writer hungry for inspiration: a consistent muse. Will provide comfortable accommodations, including morning woodpeckers, Lipton’s Black Label tea, easy bicycle access. Excellent working conditions: presence only required, no light housework, not even dusting of poetry books. Equal opportunity employer: women, minorities, and cats especially urged to apply.
Libby Falk Jones


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