Soft Rain...Heals Pain
Soft Rain...Heals Pain: Creating Language and Visual Art for Spiritual Healing presented by Maria Winfield, University of Georgia
Participants will write poetry and create a collage as a way to encourage healing and spiritual renewal.

Click here to view the PowerPoint. Right click and choose save target as to download the PowerPoint.
There was no end to the words of praise for Maria's workshop. Also many of us had the privilege of getting some of Maria's own artwork in the form of cards and prints. Thanks. Maria.
Katie Still Enroute
Born Helen Katherine Graves in St. Joseph, Michigan.
Buried Graves in Vande Brake.
Always called Katie.
Woman, equal, teacher, lover, writer, mother, friend,
Child of Lake Michigan's waves and beaches,
sojourning a while in Appalachia,
I will return to Gitchee Gumee, shining big sea water.
Began my Ph.D. at 57,
left everything safe and familiar,
assaulted the Upper Peninsula--
where ideologies and expectations
were as harsh and unforgiving as U.P. weather (eh?),
I persevered.
Sweet victories:
My entrance essay became a book.
I graduated at 62.
The best, purest, finest, grandest decision of my life.
Reading pages and screens,
Building houses,
Making quilts,
Sustaining sons,
Realizing dreams,
Playing with grandchildren,
I am Katie--woman, equal, teacher, lover, writer, mother, friend.
Yes, we can post the digital images of the collages. I can do it for you more easily than I can teach you to do it I suppose. But I am glad to teach!!! Send me either questions or collages.
In Process
woman writer wife
You make the path by walking.
Elizabeth Owen Falk Jones
runner ruler reader
Every day above ground is a good day.
Roberta Wilson Gilkison Falk
She taught me to respect my mind.
There’s too much swishing of the dishes for the fewness of the food.
Robbie Mecky Wilson Gilkison
I lived beyond their cruelty.
Each in her own remembering has a list of lovely things.
America Ann Ruth Wilson
mother daughter cousin friend
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Elizabeth Owen Ruth
word maker nature lover host & guest
--Libby Falk Jones
3 June 2006
Maria Inez,
You teach me so many things, with love and laughter and tears...and, always, more love. I really enjoyed your presentation and wish I'd been there to experience your workshop. Seeing your work and your presentation makes me realize the healing power of art and think that someday I'll overcome my fear of doing art enough to do some healing in that medium.
Thank you and bunches of love to you!
Laur rhymes with car
It is fun. And it would be easier to keep up with the posts if I would set up RSS feeds that could notify us if a new post has been made. If I do this again sometime. I'll include the rss feeds to make our conversations easier.
Really Simple Syndication. I promise that I will describe this further tomorrow.
hey... doesn't anybody blog any more?
i miss hearing from you!!!
I do still blog, but not here. Why don't you set up a blog of your own and I'll visit you everyday!
You could also visit me at my personal blog Letters and Surveys.
I read your poem. It is fabulous. If poetry is condensation (my favorite definition of poetry) then you have successfully condensed a book into 225 words. There is so much here that I'd like to converse with you about. I will email you and we can reignite this conversation.
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